Thursday, April 15, 2010


What do you do when your ex-husband tells you that there aren't enough tickets for you to go to your step-daughter's high school graduation?


That's what I did, cry. In fact, I went through all the stages of feeling hurt; crying, annoyed, and anger.

I know deep down that she isn't purposely not giving me a ticket, but it completely hurt my feelings. Someone tried to tell me to NOT let it hurt my feelings...really?! No, it does hurt my feelings and that's ok. I am never going to let my step-daughter know how much she crushed me but she is going to know that I am disappointed. I am not going to make her feel worse than I know she already does. However, she is clueless and should understand to some extent...

Lastly, just because I am sitting here crying for an hour about this doesn't mean I need to go to therapy!!!!!!!!!

It's been a beyond long day. A coworker of mine has cancer and another friend was admitted to the hospital...then you add this to the top!

Life is what you make of it but it's too damn short! I am hoping for a better day tomorrow.

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