Ok, I was just going to post about how exhausted I am mentally...then realized that I need to stop feeling sorry for myself.
The other day I was talking to someone who said depression isn't you crying all the time, it's when you don't want to get out of bed. That's where I'm at. But I just need to remind myself every morning to get my ass up!!
So instead of just posting something negative, I will post about something positive too!
Normally, money is no where near positive in my house but it is right now...or at least I am trying to make it positive.
First, on Friday my husband is going to write me a check and that is the start of us being separated financially. Woo-hoo!! I will have my own account for the first time in 7 years!! I will be in control and this is a huge step for me.
Secondly, I looked over my bills and realized that saving for the summer isn't going to be as traumatic as I thought it was going to be!! I work in a school district where I only get paid 10 out of 12 months a year, so I need two months of savings. It is going to be REALLY close/tight but I think I can make enough changes in my bills to make it through!!!
I would be over the moon if I didn't have to work this summer and I could stay home with Buddy!!! I stayed home with him last year and LOVED every minute of it!!!!!
So we shall see but at least I have a more positive outlook on the situation.
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