Since my husband and I went to our marriage counseling appointment things have been good. We have been really busy and I think that has kept us in a good place. Again tonight we talked about separating and how he already planned how we could separate the bills...if I wanted to continue with the separation.
I don't know where I stand on the matter but married or not we have found a new friendship. This weekend has really been good for us. In fact, he was nice to people which he is never nice to at a party. I feel like we have been more of a team now than we have been for the longest time. I don't want to lose that. I feel like if I do give our marriage ANOTHER chance we are going to end up in the same place 6 months down the road. And how do you find the friendship again? And Buddy will be older, he will understand more. Ugh. I hate decisions.
As much as I hate decisions, I know in my heart where I stand...
Wow. This is such a great place to be at and one that will gives peace. It does not feel like you have had that for a long time. I could not have seen a better progression for you guys and it really shows that no matter what you love each other and agree that you want a life of peace for Buddy. Remember how nice things do feel even if the journey throws in some hiccups.