Monday, June 28, 2010

For those Single Moms with BOYS...

I have a question for single moms with boys...

When do you start sheltering the BOYS from seeing you naked? Using the restroom? Running in the bathroom when you are showering?

The reason why I am asking is because my 3 year old is with me 85% of the time and it's rather difficult to keep him away from me. To top it off he is that child from the movie Kindergarten Cop who says...

"Boys have a penis and girls have a vagina."

My family says that it's time for him to not see me naked or use the restroom, but what do I do at Disneyland when I need to use the restroom??? Leave him outside the stall? He is only 3!

I hope someone finds this blog because I would love to know what other moms are doing...

Saturday, June 26, 2010

June 26

Well, let me start by saying that on Friday, June 25th we had our first bay day of the summer!!

I LOVE the bay!!!! It's a great place to take the kids, let them run around, and get crazy dirty. AND since there are no waves...I get to lounge in my beach chair and watch Buddy sitting on my ass. How many places can a mom go and watch their kid while sitting?! Best part about the day is how tired he is when I leave! :) Makes for a quiet car ride home.f Also it costs next to nothing to take a kid their, I say next to nothing because I pack lunch. A kid has to eat right?! Hehe...

On this particular bay day we actually had a couple of older kiddos that I was babysitting! Loved it...makes me realize why someone would have more than one child. They entertain each other. :)

Today, was relaxing! Since it was Saturday that means that Buddy was with his dad and I got shit done! I took the dog to get groomed, went and bought a baby present, had breakfast with my mom, and watched a movie! Whew...

And getting so much done in the day didn't come without a price, I was late picking up Buddy and Martin (my ex) wasn't all too pleased. But seriously?! I said I was sorry, didn't lie, and he got over it (not without giving me an earful first).

But really?! An earful?! He complains ALL THE TIME about how he misses Buddy and wants to see him, do stuff with him, etc. BUT when he has him all he does is COMPLAIN. I just want to scream, "Make up your fucking mind!!!! Do you want to see your kid or not? Either way STOP bitching about it!" Ugh.

However, to end a fabulous morning/afternoon I went to my sisters so Buddy could play with his cousins! We of course sat on her patio and drank wine.

Another great day in the summer books!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

June 24

Today was ANOTHER great day!

It all started with Buddy and I sleeping till heard me 8am!!!! This is a huge luxury in this house.

We really didn't do much...

After sleeping in, we just lazed around the house. I was in my room and he was in the rest of the house. It was kind of nice.

Around lunch time we went to my sisters house to play with cousins. We spent the entire afternoon at their house.

I just gotta say, I LOVE my family!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

June 22 & 23

OMG...These past couple of days were amazing!!! I decided that Buddy and I needed to start a new tradition, the first week of summer we were going to take a mini-vacation (I think I talked about this in my last post).

What a success this trip was!!! We went to Welk Resorts in Escondido and had a blast!!

We started yesterday off by driving to La Jolla to see the seals at La Jolla Children's Pool and then ended up at the resort. At the resort all we did was swim and play in the splash area. Totally kid friendly! I loved that the room had a kitchen in it, I was prepared for that and saved money by bringing our own food. We only ate out once!

I know we only stayed at the hotel for one night...but as a single mom...this was quite the adventure! I chose a place I had NEVER been before, left all our family and friends... and we had a blast. No one was telling me what I needed to do or what Buddy needed to do, it was great!

I'll post a picture tomorrow...too tired to dig out the camera tonight.

UPDATE: I posted a picture of me sitting watching Buddy playing! A single mama relaxing!!! Hehe

Monday, June 21, 2010

June 21

First day of summer was a success...and the day's not even over yet!!!

Today we went to Target, I needed to stock up on a couple of things...dangerous store! Then we went to the park for a picnic and play date with the cousins.

Now it's time for a nap THEN T-Ball Skills class! Love it!!

AND let's end the day with my sister and her kiddos over for dinner!

I couldn't have asked for a better start to the summer!!!

Tomorrow we head out to Escondido to spend the night at a resort! I thought it would be a good idea to start a new tradition...the plan is to always go somewhere for the night on the first week of summer vacation! This year it's one night, maybe next year I can afford more. I just think that no matter what's going on in my life Buddy and I will take a mini-vacation together!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Awww Finally...

OK--I know how long it's been since I posted anything, sorry. It's been a crazy couple of months with work and getting adjusted to single motherhood.

Here's an update:

1. I am happy. I love my life, family, and friends. I have come to a good place in life, I still have moments where Martin drives me fucking nuts but I am working on it.

2. It's SUMMER TIME!!! Yup, you read correctly...summer time means I am off of work till after Labor Day! Woohoo!!!! Gotta love being a teacher. :)

And that is it...not too exciting!

3. Well, I lied...I have actually started this flirtatious romance with my ex. THE ex who I loved once. This is going to be either really bad or good. I haven't been able to figure it out yet. But in the meantime, I am enjoying a flirtatious romance (no sex) and good company every now and then. Keep it simple and light. I don't need or want a new relationship right now.

Anyways, today starts a new series for me on this blog. The SUMMER TIME series...I want to post for the next two and a half months the life of a single mom enjoying her summer off.

I know kind of selfish of me, especially since there are hard working single mothers who don't get the luxury of having the summer off with their child.

My goal is to have as much fun for the least amount of money as I can, as a mom and an adult!

So stay tuned!!